Jhapakae Damak diusai yaainadhanda: caught caught 4 yaainakarmi: Robbery sancalakapani contro

4:39 AM

Damak. Damak jhapakae the West just stenda and Krishna neighborhood of the many lodges daylight classic sex garekae janagunasae increased police raided on Thursday night is marekae. Damak-13, including 4 of yaainakarmi haetalaharubata police arrested a Robbery board is garekae.
Area prahi Office, according to the police chief DSP Rajan libuka sthaniyakae janagunasae and special surakikae BASIS place on Thursday at midnight sae 4 Robbery Print slaughtered women and men arrested aapatakalina state 4 sex worker, relying haetalaki dream had held positions, even controlling karkilari liekae is bataiekae. Sabailari arrested liri control is researched bhairahekae janaekae Area Police Office Damak. Robbery had held since karkibiruddha arrested, police said the case dartakae thalekae preparation is janaekae.
According to police, some haetalaharuma diusai Damak the garekae classic sex janagunasae increased police special aparesananai sae place to start is janaekae garekae. Interview lajale feature at least one hour for observing the day pratikotha at Rs 5 to wear the rented room praharikae said.

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