
How long is gastric be? Options tend to be all cleared up now, it only L

6:25 PM

Kathmandu.Abdominal pain, burning, gastric pyrosis is that the problem is growing and more significative. Gastric who's nausea, vomit, dhyau dhyau come, vomit, blood, visible, black stool to come, food dyspepsia, weight loss will be, chest and stomach between the gap around the pain, stomach thoroughly, hunger lose, amlapita grow, mouth spoiled, stomach heavy to be , communicate the air appeared to grow more symptoms of the symptoms.
There are many ways to survive domestic told some of them here: -1. Turmeric leaves, turmeric leaf is considered as the best gastric medicine. A glass of milk a day solution blend of turmeric leaves and drink daily. By doing so, there will be fewer gastric problems.2. Take a leaf from the guava guava leaves and water umalnuhos. It dinahamu gastric problem drinking will continue.3. And then peel the potato juice alulai clean solvent and water umalnus deleted. Drink a glass before dinner 3 times the point.4. Another way to reduce the problem of gastric ginger ginger. Medicine, ginger is also known as. Daily meal, a piece of fresh ginger capaunuhos itself from this problem is. The ginger powder, salt, hing and daily drinking water to mix.5. Baking Soda Baking soda Antacid much because it helps to remove gastric problem. Half teaspoon of baking soda with a glass misaunus and daily use it again.6. Half teaspoon cinnamon powder cinnamon famine milk, honey, and mix with a little sleep the night before the intake is. This helps to reduce gastric problems.7. Hing Hing water to make paste and merge the its place for some time, keeping it inside. Such shrouding this problem.8. Spices, seeds, spices, seeds with a glass of warm water with a teaspoon of turmeric and a little while, and then the intake to keep it covered.9. Garlic, garlic 2 3 were burned out shell polnus and eat it. Pisanu fresh garlic, chili powder, chili sledge and its consumption should boil the water keeping.10. Soup can be taken over as a form ausadhikai. After cold water over the seeds and eat umalnas thread.11. Fresh mint with mint and a glass of boiling water and honey and put it selaepachi twice a day / three times down. It helps to overcome the problem of gastric.
NOTE: "The above mentioned various health related information online and in newspapers and magazines have been Contributed. These bisayavastuharu only OK, only the information presented for the restructuring. Any health related medical advice as necessary before use tipsaharu pick."

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