
32 years later, Milan: Peace must be wearing two hats teeth phuklieka Dhaka Looking nakatira father said in English, "as my father's nose raincha.

10:14 PM

Bhaitikako exactly three days Dhading Saturday, officials Darkha kintanaphedika life was in tears. Gudulkieko wipe the tears of the eyes become sticky, sad, they were not. Saw tears in the eyes of the son of 68 years old and older sister, Mina also indifferent father cokabahadura. This scene was sitting closer, nedaralyaldaka 70 years of age and Ada Fenestra Fenestra whole H. "Can not believe this is a happy time," Aida said so, and all amkhatira daudain look.

32 years old Peace and the Netherlands being adopted in view of the stars was a family reunion this. Peace must be two teeth phuklieka and Dhaka hats, father nakatira looking in English said, "according to mine nose stammering father. 'Stars also concluded," My brothers and sisters eyes, the same orientation.' Cokabahadura his dream hour grows so very happy to have had that every word his neck was being adkiejasto. The visit his daughters in his old age that he would not even dreamed. GPK's mouth to see his sisters happy face when life was shining. Cokabahadura October 11 Kantipur News published news photos, the children learned that they could not sleep all night. 'What would have daughters, I saw a say? When he sensed Us koltematrai that hutahutile night. Daloa eyes found, "he told. The next day, hoping to see his daughters found cokabahadurra kudihale Kathmandu. Separated family members met the children and seeing them happy dharmaba H phenestrale said, 'This is really Salk union. "
Aida adoptive mother said, 'It is plausible to meet.' Oldest sister, sister and sister's religious movements were out of minale compost bag neck shoulder. Similarly, upon the life of the brother of a statue and presented them gifts.
Walking through the village, Kathmandu Malekhu bring peace and star Balmandir legally admitted to court officials were also there 78-year-old uncle, Sher. The harsh village elite had not only deliver lekhandasa serabahadurale balamandirasamma them, for it has made the necessary documents were prepared. He shepherded hand, when could walk shoulder to see daubed 32 years Sher wept into tears. Topile puchadai tears he said, "to see them ect fate fate. It is tears of joy. "By using a travel agency Sunil Rana Sher know about living and Dutch language Dutch language spoken by transforming them. And the peace of arms, Sher said, "narunus." English translation of the statement and told bowl of peace. Serabahadurale brought home fried black soybean, maize and gundruka gifts inflated. One another language, culture and traditions that would not be unprecedented in years was unleashed that helps strange happy. Thoraimatrai English-speaking and Dutch-speaking peace and the star said his happy facial expression. Ba cokabahadura, sister and brother, the life of Mina's face, creeping happy, intimacy between them.
Astounding and strange creeping happy reunion kill all arms. Peace and star all arms and kissed her killed. Tattoo life in his hand, showed life officer wrote. If the peace of your neck tattoo showed English Shanti wrote. Then again, closing his arms around both killed and wept ghukkaghukka. All rujhaidiyo intimate joy.Three daughters and two sons born in poverty and undying love for pets and enjoying cokabahadura labors had gone to India for Kolkata. He could not earning enough to house two years away lost without khaikhabara. At that time, the little virgin mother suddenly became ill. The eldest daughter minale distress samjhimdai the day told him, 'could not find a doctor in a remote village. Dhamijhamkri the brothers by his mother tried to defend but could not. "Without fail to settle their relatives after his mother died and the star, peace and life decided to send Inmates. Serabahadurale the sequence volunteered. BS 2040 on February 15, then the azure Village community leaders in Kathmandu them under the Social Service National Coordination Council is free to discharge for raising aid Coordination Committee. 5 years old and 3-year-old star was at peace. 7 seven years of life as well as their sibling. A few months after the death of his wife back courtyard found, daughters Inmates base. Saying many of them back to life to at the age balamandirale.Family separation and whispered Inmates moved to blur the memory of the event is minasamga. He came to Kathmandu after marrying and about Mandir came to his whispered several times by her sodhikhoji. Minale girls being at that time said, "not to tell all about the people that adopted ridden Inmates official said. 'Minale Inmates are many times when persistently asked the staff to know where in Canada they were whispered. Minale said, "so as to meet the dream of fate ect. Samjhimdai unusual. Like a dream. "
Peace and counting another brother, Shankar said foreign employment are in Dubai. He spoke English didiharusamga dubaibatai phone. Madhva wife also nandaharulai durgale statue lagaidimdai said, 'I am your brother for. "Then peace and gentle lisp Dutch star said," A rainfall.' Nephew, niece and more than a dozen family relative peace and star gherimda considered strange. Gentle Peace said in English, 'after we grew up through the relationship and the relationship between us do not know much about. All slowly learn. "To facilitate the reunion who told the court of bowl translated by BA. Dharmaba and other members of the family of a statue dharmaamalai burial gifts. Someday gift and full ecale ghamtibhari khadale said, 'It's great to being happy is strange.' Staged Contributed

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