Three Nepalese sentenced to death in Malaysia, demanding the death sataviruddha

7:29 PM

Kathmandu, 13 November. 3 Nepali workers for foreign employment in Malaysia involved in various crimes court, saying there has been put to death. Involvement in various crimes in Malaysia is likely to be put to death more 7 Nepali Nepali Embassy in Kuala Lumpur said.
The Embassy of the information provided, police arrested Sujata Malaysia invoke the Supreme Court has sentenced to death.
5 years ago, the death penalty has not been put to so far. Embassy invoke diplomatic initiatives to save Nepali ambassador to Malaysia Dr Niranjan Basnet said. Similarly, the goldsmiths and the murder arrest surajabahadura suvira shells High Court has decided to death. Concerning them, the Supreme Court is yet to be decided.
Malaysia arrested for murder rupesakumara copper, pravinakumara Sharma, Surendra chief, Amar Gurung, Ashok Lama, Sujan Shrestha and Raj Shah drug crimes court to argue the case concerning the death has been demanding the embassy said.
Malaysia 1 in the Supreme Court and 2 were put to death by the High Court Basnet said. 'The other 7 comprised about various places in the high court demanding mrtyudandakai thrown out of a debate, "he said. Earlier, put to death the same nature given to the prosecutor to argue that they had to be punished mrtyudandakai said Basnet said.
Murderers to court to argue about 4 million and 10 million Nepali rupees as refutations pledge to keep government information concerning the allegations that the embassy statement said. In today's Daily News is a new magazine.

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