These may be the main cause of Kathmandu cinnus school bomb planners

3:54 AM

Kathmandu. Kathmandu Valley School bomb: Police have arrested two persons making the main yojanakarasahita.
Revolutionary Communist Party general secretary, called the center to explain himself to the party Keshav Dahal and coordinator of student organizations on Wednesday, police arrested Devkota Min.
On September 4 schools in Kathmandu and Lalitpur last bomb was detonated. All Nepal National Free Student Center on the spot and the Young Communist force had been found to Nepal. Those Revolutionary Communist Party, called the center of the sister organizations visphotalagattai na min Devkota had taken responsibility for the incident.
They were arrested a month after the incident at a press conference on Friday afternoon, police and the public will be ready.
Dahal Kathmandu Police Crime Division and the United team and one was arrested by the police Devkota kabhresthita source said.
Nepal Maoist Communist Center brewing group. This led Devendra Singh have 9diesa 0 Mahat. Mahat also said police were searching for. M purvaladakuharulai Mahat incorporating Maoist bomb making and donation centers and similar groups have been stretched. The same group last August 6 in Kathmandu on Wednesday to a school bus that was burned.
Filed bomb devakotasahita Dahal and they have been arrested so far 6. Earlier lakhe Shankar, Chandra Bahadur Tamang, Bishnu Poudel and Hom Bahadur Khatri, were also arrested. But, at the time they were leaving the police to quash.

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