Narayan Prasad Bidari

8:18 AM

Many international investors may have shunned potential projects in the country due to the unfavourable business environment, but official data show cottage, small and medium enterprises have boomed in the last one decade.The number of cottage, small and medium enterprises surged by a whopping 360.89 per cent to 320,000 by the end of last fiscal 2015-16, compared to 69,431 a decade back (fiscal 2005-06), according to the Department of Cottage and Small Industries (DoCSI).The government’s effort to develop enterprises in the country through various policy interventions, the increasing number of returnee migrants with necessary skills and capital have been considered as the major cause for rapid growth of cottage, small and medium enterprises. Support extended by some big industries and corporate houses for the development of such enterprises have also fuelled the boom, say officials.

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