Nepal Airlines both grounded Airbus tire exploding
9:34 AMनेपाल एयरलाइन्सका दुवै एयरबस टायर पड्केर ग्राउन्डेड
भारतको नयाँदिल्लीबाट काठमाडौं आइरहेको नेपाल वायुसेवा निगमको ए–३२० एयरबस
निर्धारित समयअनुसार मंगलबार पौने १ बजे काठमाडौं अवतरण गर्दै थियो।
चालक दलका प्रमुख थिए, क्याप्टेन विजय लामा। र, उनलाई साथ दिइरहेका थिए क्याप्टेन सञ्जय पौडेल।
चापागाउँ माथिको आकाशबाट उड्दै आएको जहाजलाई त्रिभुवन अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय
विमानस्थलको टावरले अवतरण अनुमति दिइसकेको थियो। एक सय ५० यात्रु बोकेको
जहाजका पाङ्ग्राले जसै धावनमार्ग छोयो, टावरबाट आएको अप्रत्यासित सूचनाले
चालकदल हड्बडायो।
सूचना थियो, अवतरण गर्नेबित्तिकै जहाजको पछाडिको एउटा पाङ्ग्रा फुटेको छ।
‘त्यतिबेला हामी सहज तरिकाले अवतरण गराइरहेका थियौं, तर टावरबाट टायर
पड्केको सूचना आउनेबित्तिकै जहाज आकस्मिक रूपमा रोक्नुपर्यो,’ क्याप्टेन
लामाले सेतोपाटीसँग भने।
टावरबाट सूचना आउनु अघिसम्म चालकदललाई टायरको स्थितिको विषयमा कुनै जानकारी नै नभएको पनि उनले बताए।
‘केही भएकै थिएन, राम्ररी नै अवतरण भएको थियो, हामीले कडा ब्रेक लगाएको पनि
होइन,’ लामाले भने, ‘तर, टावरबाट एक्कासि टायर पड्केको जानकारी आएपछि झसंग
भयौं, हत्तपत्त जहाज रोक्यौं।’
यस्तो आकस्मिक घटनामा चालकदलको चलाखी अत्यन्तै महत्वपूर्ण हुन्छ। समयमै
होसियारी अपनाइएन भने दुर्घटना पनि हुनसक्छ। क्याप्टेन लामा र पौडेलले पनि
सुझबुझ देखाए र जहाजलाई दुर्घटनाबाट जोगाए।
लामाका अनुसार टायर पड्केको सूचना पाउनेबित्तिकै सबभन्दा पहिला
यात्रुहरूलाई यसको जानकारी दिएर ‘नहड्बडाउन’ आग्रह गरिएको थियो।
यात्रुमध्ये परराष्ट्रमन्त्री प्रकाशशरण महत पनि थिए। ‘यस्तो बेला सबैलाई
जानकारी दिन आवश्यक हुन्थ्यो, हामीले त्यही गर्यौं,’ लामाले भने, ‘कोही पनि
डराउनुभएन, सबैलाई सकुशल बाहिर निकाल्न सक्यौं।’
धावनमार्गमा जहाज रोकिँदासम्म यात्रु लिन तुरून्तै गाडीहरू आइपुगिसकेका थिए। विमानस्थल सुरक्षा दल पनि तम्तयार अवस्थामै थियो।
त्यसपछि वरिष्ठ पाइलट सुवर्ण अवाले आफैं ककपिटमा आए। अवालेको कप्तानीमा
रहेको नेपाल एयरलाइन्सकै ए–३२० एयरबसमा पनि आइतबार दिल्ली विमानस्थलको
धावनमार्ग छाड्नेवित्तिकै टायर पड्केको थियो। उक्त जहाजलाई अवाले र कोपाइलट
राजेश कुसवाहले सकुशल अवतरण गराएका थिए।
‘सिनियर क्याप्टेन अवाले ककपिटमा आउनुभयो, हामीले छलफल गर्यौं, एकदमै सहज
रूपले जहाज कन्ट्रोल गरेकोमा उहाँले खुसी व्यक्त गर्नुभयो, यात्रु पनि
अत्तालिएनन्, खुसीका साथ गए,’ लामाले भने, ‘बसको टायर पड्केजस्तै हो, धेरै
ठूलो कुरा हैन तर यस्तोमा तुरून्तै जहाजलाई सन्तुलनमा ल्याउनु पाइलटको
चुनौती हो।’
लामाका अनुसार समयमै टावरले जानकारी नदिएको भए जे पनि हुनसक्थ्यो।
कहिलेकाहीँ जहाजमा के समस्या आइरहेको छ पाइलटले पनि राम्रोसँग थाहा
पाउँदैनन्, जुन टावरले पत्ता लगाइरहेको हुने लामा बताउँछन्।
लामाले टावरका अधिकारीको मद्दतले जहाज दुर्घटनाबाट बचेको बताए। ‘टावरमा को
हुनुहुन्थ्यो मलाई थाहा छैन, तर यति राम्ररी रिपोर्ट गर्नुभयो कि ठूलो
दुर्घटनाबाट हामी जोगियौं,’ लामाले भने, ‘मैले आज जुन किसिमको मद्दत पाएँ,
सबै ठाउँमा त्यो हुँदैन, चुस्तताका साथ हामीले काम गर्न सक्यौं।’
क्याप्टेन विजय लामा चालक दलका सदस्यसाथ। तस्बिरः लामाको फेसबुकबाट
‘भगवानले हामीलाई आशीर्वाद दिएको रहेछ। यस्तो जटिल अवस्थामा पनि सरलताका साथ जहाज र यात्रु दुवै सकुशल उद्धार गर्न सक्नु चुनौती थियो,’ लामाले भने।
लामाका अनुसार दिल्ली विमानस्थलको अवस्था योभन्दा चुनौतीपूर्ण अवस्था थियो।
दिल्लीमा अवतरण गर्दा एयरबसको अर्को टायर पनि पड्केको थियो। ‘यो एयरबसमा
एउटा टायर पड्के पनि तीन वटा त बाँकी थिए,’ लामाले भने।
लामाले जहाजको टायर पड्किनु सामान्य भए पनि यसको गुणस्तरमा कमजोरी हुनसक्ने
शंका पनि गरेका छन्। ‘टायरको गुणस्तरबारे हाम्रो इन्जिनियरिङ विभागलाई नै
थाहा हुन्छ,’ लामाले भने।
दिल्लीमा पड्केको र यहाँ पड्केको एयरबसको टायर मिसेलिङ कम्पनीको थियो।
एयरबस ए–३२० सगरमाथा र लुम्बिनी दुवै नेपाल वायुसेवा कम्पनीले एक वर्षअघि
खरिद गरेका नयाँ एयरबस हुन्। दस अर्ब रुपैयाँमा खरिद गरिएका यी दुवै एयरबस
टायर पड्केर ग्राउन्डेड भएका छन्।
Nepal Airlines both grounded Airbus tire explodingIndia, New Delhi, Kathmandu, Nepal Airlines Airbus A-320 landing in Kathmandu set around 1 am Tuesday context was.
The crew chief was, Captain Victory Lama. And, with him giving Captain Sanjay Poudel.
Chapagaun flying high in the sky from the Tribhuvan International Airport passage of the ship had been given permission to land. One hundred and 50 passengers, ship wheels touched the runway as, after jumping from the unexpected notification hadbadayo crew.
Information was landing ship immediately behind a wheel is broken.
"At that time, we were undergoing landing smoothly, but jumping ship arrived in Tyre reported gunshots roknuparyo as accidental," said Captain setopatisamga Lama.
Information about the state of the towers come before the crew of Tyre is not any information, he said.
"I have some not, well that was landed, we is not hard the brakes are applied," Lama said, "but, suddenly jumping tire information after the gunshots were horrible, rushed the ship prevented."
Such emergency crew acted very important event. The accident also be careful if apanaiena time. Captain Lama and the candidate showed a sound and widespread ship accidents.
According to the tire information as soon as the first passengers Lama reverberated by the information 'nahadbadauna' was urged. Yatrumadhye Foreign Minister Prakash Sharan Mahat, too. "When all this information was required, that we've," Lama said, "No one intimidated, all safe and were able to take out."
Rokimdasamma ship passengers were to take the runway immediately drawn wagons. Airport security conditions that the team was also prepared.
Then came senior pilot cockpit Golden Awale himself. Awale is also the captain of the Airbus A-320 from Nepal eyaralainsakai Delhi airport runway Sunday chadnevittikai tire was gunshots. Awale the ship and pilot safely landed Rajesh kusavahale were briefed.
"Senior Captain Awale cockpit came on, we have our discussion, a very comfortable fully Ship Control has he expressed happiness, passengers also calm, happy with the," Lama said, 'bus tire padkejastai, a very great thing is not, but it immediately ballast to bring pilot challenge. "
According to Lama, the passage of time had not yet given information could be anything. Sometimes the problem is coming to the ship's pilot will not know any better, that the passage of the Lama explains discover more.
Lama Tower officials said the help saved the ship accidents. "I do not know who the tower, but the report did so well that the great tragedy that we were alive," Lama said, "I have today received the kind of help, it is not everywhere, with macroeconomic we were able to work."
Captain Victory Lama sadasyasatha crew. Tasbirah Lama Facebook
"The really lovely to bless us. With the simplicity of such a complex situation, both the ship and the passengers were rescued alive can challenge, "said Lama.According to the Delhi airport situation was even more challenging situation Lama. Airbus landing in Delhi when another tire was also the gunshots. 'This is the rest of the Airbus A tire gunshots were also three, "said Lama.
Even though the quality of its tires burst ship Lama general weakness have also been suspected. 'Tyre, the quality of our engineering department only knows, "said Lama.
Delhi reverberated and there was a bang, Airbus tire miselina company.
Airbus A-320 Everest and Nepal Lumbini both airlines have purchased a year ago, are the new Airbus. Both Airbus tires purchased ten billion, are grounded fumes.
Nepal Airlines both grounded Airbus tire explodingIndia, New Delhi, Kathmandu, Nepal Airlines Airbus A-320 landing in Kathmandu set around 1 am Tuesday context was.
The crew chief was, Captain Victory Lama. And, with him giving Captain Sanjay Poudel.
Chapagaun flying high in the sky from the Tribhuvan International Airport passage of the ship had been given permission to land. One hundred and 50 passengers, ship wheels touched the runway as, after jumping from the unexpected notification hadbadayo crew.
Information was landing ship immediately behind a wheel is broken.
"At that time, we were undergoing landing smoothly, but jumping ship arrived in Tyre reported gunshots roknuparyo as accidental," said Captain setopatisamga Lama.
Information about the state of the towers come before the crew of Tyre is not any information, he said.
"I have some not, well that was landed, we is not hard the brakes are applied," Lama said, "but, suddenly jumping tire information after the gunshots were horrible, rushed the ship prevented."
Such emergency crew acted very important event. The accident also be careful if apanaiena time. Captain Lama and the candidate showed a sound and widespread ship accidents.
According to the tire information as soon as the first passengers Lama reverberated by the information 'nahadbadauna' was urged. Yatrumadhye Foreign Minister Prakash Sharan Mahat, too. "When all this information was required, that we've," Lama said, "No one intimidated, all safe and were able to take out."
Rokimdasamma ship passengers were to take the runway immediately drawn wagons. Airport security conditions that the team was also prepared.
Then came senior pilot cockpit Golden Awale himself. Awale is also the captain of the Airbus A-320 from Nepal eyaralainsakai Delhi airport runway Sunday chadnevittikai tire was gunshots. Awale the ship and pilot safely landed Rajesh kusavahale were briefed.
"Senior Captain Awale cockpit came on, we have our discussion, a very comfortable fully Ship Control has he expressed happiness, passengers also calm, happy with the," Lama said, 'bus tire padkejastai, a very great thing is not, but it immediately ballast to bring pilot challenge. "
According to Lama, the passage of time had not yet given information could be anything. Sometimes the problem is coming to the ship's pilot will not know any better, that the passage of the Lama explains discover more.
Lama Tower officials said the help saved the ship accidents. "I do not know who the tower, but the report did so well that the great tragedy that we were alive," Lama said, "I have today received the kind of help, it is not everywhere, with macroeconomic we were able to work."
Captain Victory Lama sadasyasatha crew. Tasbirah Lama Facebook
"The really lovely to bless us. With the simplicity of such a complex situation, both the ship and the passengers were rescued alive can challenge, "said Lama.According to the Delhi airport situation was even more challenging situation Lama. Airbus landing in Delhi when another tire was also the gunshots. 'This is the rest of the Airbus A tire gunshots were also three, "said Lama.
Even though the quality of its tires burst ship Lama general weakness have also been suspected. 'Tyre, the quality of our engineering department only knows, "said Lama.
Delhi reverberated and there was a bang, Airbus tire miselina company.
Airbus A-320 Everest and Nepal Lumbini both airlines have purchased a year ago, are the new Airbus. Both Airbus tires purchased ten billion, are grounded fumes.