For that reason, the township newborn babies?

2:16 AM

Volume is very well seen in newborn babies vilirubinako pahenlopanalai niyonetala township or township called Hyper vilirubinemiya or niyonetala. It is normal or abnormal or pyatholojikala phijiyolojika and the two types. Biliruvinako adult blood volume is generally 1 mg, 2 mg per desilitarabhanda pratidesilitara is more, if the township has considered. Generally month-old babies and a cauthaidekhi sayakada 50 percent more than the month-deprived babies seem township.How biliruvina is born?
When red blood cells break viliruvina incinerate or counterproductive as products generated. Hemoglovina cells contain the protein as the main ice is broken when nearly 34 mg per 1 gram equivalent hemoglovina viliruvina production. More and more blood cells, or hemolysis hemoglovina state of disintegration of the state is abnormal or pyatholojikala. Like hemoglobin malfunction, risasa vlarda asamanjasyata Group, bleeding or blood collection (himatoma or brujinga) or cells contain an enzyme called kamilai unusual pyatholojikala. Under normal circumstances, cells age, however, even when broken viliruvina is generated, it is called physiological. During the construction of the incomplete or abnormal blood cells fixed to fund are broken soon, and it also generates biliruvina. The cause of the viliruvinalai blood elbuminale kalejosamma yaucha ¥ m. Where the various stages of metabolic prakriyaharule made by kanjugeta kanjugeteda biliruvina gallbladder through the bile, as pittamarga Minister and enters the intestines. Because of the color yellow is usually excreta. The bronze work digest fats.Normal or physiological township
The first volume of blood in newborn babies anakanjugeteda biliruvinako weeks 2 milligrams per desilitarabhanda is more. The first 3 months full of babies 6 to 8 mg per day or 12 mg per dl, dl, have been reached and that the township is normal or physiological. This is an alarming amount of 15 mg per dl month baby devastating. Well this is the first 1/2 weeks usually gradually become less level.The reason is?
- Viliruvinako production: The hemoglobin less than the age of 120, and many red blood cells because of load.- Prabhavahina blood cell production, or if the amount is very himaprotinako.- Most interohepatika circulation to be.- Well liver liver of a young chemical process to be weak or lack of effective responses.Unusual or township pyatholojikala
Most of the above-mentioned 'level or other unusual conditions in the township samanyabaheka pyatholojikala called the township. These conditions are as follows.- The first 24 hours umerabhitra seen in the township.- 5 mg per dl per hour 0 point increase in the township of hours.- Child as unhealthy or abnormal condition such as vomiting, keep, slow or crippled, breathing quickly or stopped state, fever, milk was not hooking together the township pyatholojikala called the township.- Month full well beyond 8 days of a newborn child born many months napugi situation remains 14 days nonstop pyatholojikala the township called the township.For some reason the township of newborn babies
- Mother and child blood group different, such as the mother's womb or mother risasa negative but positive child, but the child A or B Group O Group to be.- Hemoglobin hereditari sphorosaitosisa body structure as the problem.- Futile himolaitika cells anemia, yalasemiya.- Enzyme deficiency such as glucose-6-phosphate, or pairubheta dihaidrojineja kinase deficiency, the liver enzyme deficiency syndrome or silavarta syndrome Crigler kittle.- Infection or infection such as infection niyonetala sepsisa or nights when the lift intrayuteraina tarcasagrupako infection.- Nowhere is as if the blood clot or hemorrhage hiyatoma.- Polisaithemiya or most of the cells in the state.- Dadha nacusne, dihaidresana or water conditions remain allocated or vomiting, weight loss or infant state.- Pittabahini off the throttle position or a state (viliyari palate).- At the beginning of mother's milk after eating baby milk township bresta appear.hazardous township
As well as being the brains to get more of the following cases, the amount viliruvinako the risk is too high.- The first 24 hours to match the state views the township or risasa group.Baby deprived township mahina views.- Large blood clot siphala hematoma.- The former baby views the township requesting treatment.- A bit of sugar disease or diabetes,.- Inadequate amount of breast milk is well underway or impatient.- If a child is found guilty of a paddle pittabahini white tube may be closed or viliyari palate.
The township will be low-risk situation
- Month and born by the entire weight of the baby and the baby is normal or good.- Doing better breastfeeding child or baby looked healthy.- At the state rekhabhanda viliruvinako volume risk.- Raktagrupa pretty narahekoma state.- The baby is seen signs of infection cases.- Having a healthy baby being discharged by the 72-hour period or 72 hours has occurred across the townshipComplexity or kamplikesana
Especially newborn babies less than 6 days on the making of a sudden kanjugeteda only viliruvinako or risk exceeds the volume of the line, such as: The healthy 3 kg baby more than 72 hours if such viliruvinako vimaga 18-20 miligramabhanda likely to be, and it is enough to be mastiskasujana called viliruvina inkephyalopyathi. Immediate and long-term impact that yaunasakcha ¥ m. Sounds like a child crippled condition, to be complacent, screaming, or if milk is not absorbing the appropriate treatment for a long time is available, the child will be strong, vibration coming, stop breathing and it would be unconscious or dhanustankarajasto child may jyanaisamma impure. Nagaema lives in the long term this situation a child, mental retardation, or epilepsy, such as avoiding eye can
Most of the township and all treatment or management of a newborn child may also nacahina. Hazardous condition and the weight of a newborn infant, myacuriti age (hours) and the amount biliruvina especially viliruvinako anakanjugeteda Harry treatment or management is different.The township is not vulnerable newborn babies that interrogation, physical examination of the child as the mother and child blood group different test, blood sucking viliruvinako volume, infection or avasyakataanusara for the suspect to the various laboratory test is.
Hazardous or weight, age or other circumstances of the child phototherapi township or special tyuvalaitama seen naked by the treatment given. In fact, some medicines such as albumin phenobarvitona or if conditions are very high, especially in high-risk 'level or negative risasa Group risasa positive mothers are the changes of blood child Group (Exchange vlada transaphyujana) treatment process is done. O-negative blood, mother and child, which many cross-match choice. Harry the child's age and other circumstances of these treatment methods do valaroga specialist or doctor.
Therefore, treatment of newborn babies township of the child's age, myacuriti level, weight, or other risk is looked different. 8-10 mg per 1 kg weight of the baby is said to great start desilitaramai phototherapi or 3 pounds more than the weight of a healthy child is 15 milligrams per desilitarabhanda garidainna premature start phototherapi. What amount of risk primarily looked at the treatment system is decided. However, despite what the township as a kind of mother does not barnucahim home. Mother eat normal food does sutkerile. We have seen problems in the mother plank many mouth, which is not required.

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