Anu Radha Thapa magar address in House

2:23 AM

Six bills related to the establishment of different constitutional commissions were presented at today’s meeting of the Legislature-Parliament for approval.The bills tabled by Minister for Federal Affairs and Local Development Hitraj Pandey are National Dalit Commission Bill, 2073; National Inclusion Commission Bill, 2073; Indigenous Nationalities Commission Bill, 2073; Madhesi Commission Bill, 2073; Tharu Commission Bill, 2073 and Muslim Commission Bill, 2073.Earlier, the bills could not be passed by majority votes due to protests by some political parties’ leaders like Dilli Prasad Kafle, Prem Suwal and Anuradha Thapa Magar of the Nepal Workers Peasants Party, who termed the bills non-inclusive.They have demanded that such commissions should be formed that would help pursue the tar

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