Sahara desert, never found, rivers springs

10:54 AM

Agency, 35 million square miles round the world's largest desert is the Sahara Desert. Of human life can not even imagine where. But nature Lila amazing happens. Similarly, hundreds of years ago geo-immersive depth of field due to geological activity on the surface of water in a lake was going to come together .guelta-archei-102 Such jokes Jimipokhari geo-geostationary Guelta language (Guelta) in daily life. The pond water feature is never sukhdaina, a limited amount of land here on the children from the water. IPS, the Guelta name "The arceiho Guelta. Here every day, stopped to drink water and relax a whole. Already hundreds of years because of camel dung is called water color black has .guelta-archei-16-696x456 Guelta Eagles up sandbagged mid-innovative times of the painting can be seen in the stones. Most people also may not have tried to reach except by Guelta scientific. Go here for the festival in the desert to the capital from the Special Vehicle can go mobile. Guelta four days to reach the area on foo guelta-archei-102


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