The royal couple Birendra Bir and Aishwarya Rajyalaxmi

7:42 AM

The royal couple Birendra Bir and Aishwarya Rajyalaxmi was murdered in 2001, the head line went around the world and catapulted the otherwise scarcely noticed and the far away located kingdom Nepal into the spotlight of the interest.
Birendra Bir Bikrahm Shah acceded to the throne in 1972 as successor of his father King Mahendra and he ruled the kingdom Nepal for nearly 30 years.As a child he got a modern education and he studied among others at the St. Joseph College in Darjeeling, India.When his grandfather King Tribhuvan died in 1955 his father became the new king and Birendra became the crown prince of his country.
Birendra registered at the Eton College in Great Britain in 1959 where he studied till 1964 before he returned to Nepal where he perambulated his country incognito and visited isolated locations.It followed a study in Tokyo and from 1967 to 1968 a study in politic at the Harvard University.
As a versatile interested man he travelled through many countries around the world, he learnt how to fly a helicopter and he was an art collector of Nepales artists.He got married with Aishwarya Rajya Laxmi Devi Rana in 1970 and the celebration was hardly to outbid in the matter of pomposity. The marriage has to be costed nearly 10 million dollars.
They gave birth to three children who all were murdered as well at the massacre in 2001, forthermore seven other family members were killed as well.Birendra ruled the country as an absolute monarch, political parties were not tolerated which led to conflicts time and again. They launched a voting in 1979 if Nepal should be a multi-party system or an impartially country. The impartially option was voted by 55%.
But the displeasure among the population did not disrupt and ten years later there was a great many of strikes and the cry for democracy. Finally Birendra gave in and declared his agreement for a representative monarchy. The new Constitution made Birendra to the head of state of the representative monarchy with

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