
Altering the demarcation of the interests of the country, the land of the stranger, the blood flow is open from UML leaders have been warning

1:03 AM

KATHMANDU, Nov 23. The main opposition party CPN-UML state number 5 has a stand to prevent the partition. The government is preparing a proposal to amend the Constitution to change the demarcation while the UML state No. 5 Division of the terrifying warning status is given.
UML state number 5 on Tuesday to maintain the recent state meeting in Butwal from 5 to amend any of the district has decided to protest. General Secretary Bishnu Poudel meeting of state chief and party unanimously passed the proposal submitted by the Special Surya Thapa said central member. The meeting number 5 of the leader Poudel Pradesh, Tharu and indigenous demarcation sought to force change, saying they want to shed the blood of the door prepared to UML line had submitted a special proposal. Number 5 from the hill districts of the state and the indigenous Tharu extracted rebellion metamani UML central committee member said Chaudhary.
The stranger is allowed to use self-demarcation of the country, including the central member of Nawalparasi MP Baijnath Chaudhary said. The decision declaring the meeting, he said, the state 5 to the current demarcation repayment will be a big movement, which the state can not bear. It is the Congress and the Maoist leaders have also agreed to

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