This time, the festival to celebrate the Muna Thapa brother parkhaimai impasse

11:13 PM

Kamal gamutChris kathamandau"My brother's forehead Saptarangi hinges wear tight esapali was also gearing also be back to stay throbbing became a stranger would say my brother to brother offended is jhukkairaheko XL also comes to renewing your brother your i-thriving still long way to let my hands empty and your brother come soon only the crown of my brother wickedness "A similar approach to the famous folk singer Pvt words, contract carrier Muna Thapa Magar music and other festival special song voice endeavored Chand "I leave her," the market has come to the harmony of hari BK word and endeavored to prepare the song Chand said the good performance of the carrier and her Melina Thakuri the music video directed banner ready phlimsako guruama Timilsina guruamale she said memory are ready to shoot the music video pays Shrestha digital market is now .All of this song expressed the warmest wishes for a touchdown and Rhododendron July.

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