Setopani woman to come, a man is heard testicles, Sul, urine disease and medicine, spices pattharisammako

8:51 AM

Cumin spices vegetables in the kitchen as we have come to using only. We know what the disease chainaki cumin can be used as medicine. We are here to discuss the cumin have medicinal properties.
If urine disease and lapidaryCumin mixed with dust and dirt kalci misriko bihanbeluka 1 stores 1 teaspoon of the rock will be put to food or urine with water-related disease is right.if amalapittaCumin powder, coriander seeds powder and mixed with 1 snack 1 teaspoon of equal kalci Egyptian bihanbeluka possibly summon diet is amalapitta.Colic arises, if in many DeesaCumin powder, 50 grams, 50 grams of powder and ghee phuraeko sidenunako Hen 10 grams of powder mixed with lukewarm all the stores 1 teaspoon of honey or ghee mixed with water 1 day 3 stores 4 times according to the scale of the disease into an armed Deesa is a lot going right.Eye burns, or red if bijaemaCumin cooked lukewarm water soaking cloth innings if the taking is OK.Hook feverJirapani like cooked tea, molasses, put the day they ate from 3 stores 4 times painful fever goes.Any Common PainPinera chili paste with water and warmed boil coating will wear is fine.the making of the testiclesThis kind of disease and pepper, spices, water, mixed by pinera wear right away, if slowly.Setopani woman to come to aidDust mixed with spices and Egyptian, and to equal 1 teaspoon bihanbeluka caulani possibly 1 stores is eating right.Indigestion if eaten dyspepsiaChokada, pepper, sidenunako, grapes, raisins and cumin gravy put equal pinera lemon pickles and canned keep and bihanarabeluka1 teaspoon lapped by eating only 1 snack food eating a few days, dyspepsia, vomiting, Deesa pursue such disease is well and eat slowly goes too rucdai.Hook mouth of ships or stainCumin, cumin, bearing, black sesame, sarasyum and mustard powder all equal when mixed with milk, whipped in the evening to sleep right away, continually pressed or spot checking.cough and feverA piece of the dried powder a pinch of cinnamon, 5 cloves, half a teaspoon of cumin, crushed and put to boil three times a day to drink a thorn making if it is right.

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