Sajha Sawal 23 Oct – Public health situation in Kalikot

9:40 AM

Vegetable supplies to Kalikot from neighbouring districts of Surkhet and Nepaljung have dropped by almost 50 percent, with increased local production.
This season alone, farmers of Badri Gaon sold cucumber worth around Rs 150,000. Cultivation of cauliflower, tomato and potato too has increased. “We used to rely on supplies from Surkhet and Nepaljung, but now we are self-reliant in vegetables,” Narad Prasad Acharya, a vegetable seller based at Manma said. “Organic vegetable production too has increased. I sold 20 quintals of tomato in the last three months.”
The Poverty Alleviation Fund (PAF) too is focusing on the sector. The fund is holding training camps at several places in the district. According to Bal Bahadur Hamal, facilitator of the fund, the training showcases farming technology and skills. “There were just three farmers who used to cultivate vegetables earlier. But now at least 25 farmers are involved in the sector,” he said.
Vegetable cultivation in Kalikot is possible for 10 months a year. And lured by increased income, the farmers are dumping paddy and wheat cultivation in favour of vegetables.
Nara Bahadur Shahi, one of the farmers who has cultivated tomato on his land previously used for wheat cultivation, said: “It is more beneficial to cultivate vegetables than wheat and paddy,” Shahi said.
PAF has been holding the training at 15 VDCs in the district. Dinesh Sanjyal, PAF’s senior social mobilise, said the PAF has been supporting the people by categorising them into those having less than Rs32,000 annual income or having less than two ropanies of land, and those unable to afford food for three months.

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