Priyankale bore the baby with two heads!

1:12 AM

India Gharib child has been born with two heads has surprised everyone.
The two heads of state, India Ladies baby was born in the hospital, pregnant priyankale are given.
Sunil Sony's wife priyankale this baby was born after the hospital are also surprised. The sonography tests aitaraba fetus was shown two head. And local doctors Ajmer hospital were referred to Lugo.
Meanwhile, feminine hospital immediately after the operation to check the outdoor Medical Doctor Kanti meharadale had advised. According to the advice of operation on Monday, the infant was born with two heads.
The two faces of the babies nurse and the doctor was surprised after watching there were parakea. But even after doctors had tried to save the baby has died.
According to doctors the baby's heartbeat through increased greatly in the nursery was placed on a ventilator. But three or four hours to consult with your doctor without his relatives after being told that the baby died.

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