Karnali UML teacher not padhaunai

6:23 PM

Nimako about the most thorough knowledge of leaf. Its leaf has been used for traditional and aryubedika formulations. The repeated use of drugs as a major jadibudi is one of the jadibudi nimako leaves. Whose advantages are many. 201609171712 Ecaibhi pratiradhatmaka enhanced: nimako pattale only minor diseases without medicine, it works even for HIV-AIDS treatment does. Ecaaibhiko tailors the treatment to work as experts say entibhailakai. Ecaibhi safeguard the patients infected with the disease by increasing pratiradhatmaka ability to give them a certain amount of work is crisp. Entibhairala properties: properties of the neem leaf is entibhairala. Those whose immune capacity of a variety of malignant rogaharusamga vijnahara says.

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