Kantipur Samachar 25 October 2016

10:11 AM

The Legislature-Parliament on Tuesday afternoon began deliberations on the impeachment motion against the chief of Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority, Lok Man Singh Karki.Lawmaker Mohan Bahadur Shahi of CPN Maoist Centre presented the impeachment motion at the House, while CPN-UML chief whip Bhanu Bhakta Dhakal seconded it.Shahi accused Karki of exploiting the CIAA as an instrument to meet his personal and his family’s ambitions. By ignoring the process, constitutional role and responsibilities since Karki institutionalised corruption, terrorised the state mechanism, blackmailed [others] and presented himself in an anarchic and unconstrained manner, Shahi said.
Shahi presented a list of Karki’s activities — 1) disrespecting the sovereign Parliament by avoiding House Committee’s summons on the pretext of health issues but appearing with a journalist of a private television channel for an interview; 2) obstructing the judicial process and disrespecting the judiciary; 3) withholding corruption cases against his kith and kin; 4) abusing his authority while raising the number of MBSS seats in KIST Medical College which is run by his kin, and in the medical entrance examinations of Kathmandu University; 5) spying on leaders who are not on state positions and the chiefs of security organs by call tapping and obtaining their call details, and thereby, indulging in activities including spying against the State; 6) opaquely withholding complaints of irregularities in many agencies including the Kathmandu Valley Development Authority; 7) building a faction in the CIAA itself and making decisions unilaterally and opaquely without involving other commissioners; 8) acting like an executive instead of an ombudsman by abusing authority and stepping in police, administration as well as intelligen

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