HISTORY of Kathmandu Nepal 1978 full documentary

5:58 PM

Ashan Bazar and The Annapurna Temple in in the year 1998 B.S. The year 1940 A.D.So peace so quiet and clean too. Now days it is so dirty full of dirts and always full of croud.The Boudha Nath Stoopa at Boudha Kathmandu in the year 1997 B.S. Around 1939 A.D. We can see in photo it is very beautiful. Taller then all other houses. It was viewable from the mainway also. But now it is behind tall buildings. The land where farmer is farming is now filled with croudy concrete cement houses.The famous Dharahara at the year 1990 B.S. , 1933 A.D. The symbol of Kathmandu. And the masterpiece sample of stone art. This masterpiece lies inbetween military camp nowdays. Just behind overhead bridge.Probably the first vehicle in kathmandu in the year 2000 B.S. , 1942. At those time people used to bring vehicle by carrying on their shoulders. But now there are more vehicles then roads. So polluted because of toxic gases from unburned fuel of those vehicle. Full of noise of horns and engine noise.

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