Why he found the solution to weep and Priyanka Deepa
6:50 AM On
Friday morning, the solution had reached Kathmandu gopikrsna
kalakaraddhaya Deepa UNICEF and Priyanka Karki tilapiliyo eyes narrowed.
Priyanka Deepa and suddenly began to cry. Priyanka Deepa and tearful face the crowd and the artist and producer Deepak Raj Giri was also some somber.
After all, he found a solution in the morning and Priyanka Deepa Why have cried? Whatever the reason, these two artists are, "sixes panjalai viewer's love. After a morning in Kathmandu gopikrsna the halls of high pressure jhadai director and actress cried tears of joy. They have movie writer, artist and producer Deepak Raj Giri kissed the cheek of him.
film directed by debutant dipasriko kick from plagiarism multiplex 12
pm, doing good business is the single hall sobatai morning audience is
ours. Tomorrow Saturday, the day of the movie business is estimated to be aggressive. Today and for multiplexed twisted booking is also pleasant.
Viewers love the enthusiasm expressed her joy saying dipasrile. He is good legislation because the viewer has said Maya thank all of her own.
शुक्रबार बिहानै काठमाण्डौको गोपिकृष्ण हल
पुगेका कलाकारद्धय दीपाश्री निरौला र प्रियंका कार्कीको आँखामा आँशु
टिलपिलियो । दीपा र प्रियंका एकाएक रुन थाले । दीपा र प्रियंका रोएपछि
छेउमै रहेका कलाकार तथा निर्माता दीपकराज गिरीको अनुहार पनि केही मलिन भयो ।
एक बिहानै हल पुगेर दीपा र प्रियंका किन रोएका होलान् ? यी दुई कलाकार
रुनुको कारण हो, ‘छक्का पन्जा’लाई दर्शकले दिएको माया । एक बिहानै
काठमाण्डौको गोपिकृष्ण हलमा दर्शकको उच्च चाप भएपछि खुशीको आँशु झादै
निर्देशक र नायिका रोएका हुन् । उनीहरुले चलचित्रका लेखक, कलाकार तथा
निर्माता दीपकराज गिरीको गालामा चुम्बन पनि गरे ।
आजबाट रिलिजमा आएको
दीपाश्रीको डेब्यू निर्देशन रहेको यो चलचित्रले मल्टिप्लेक्समा १२ बजेपछि
राम्रो व्यापार गरिरहेको छ भने सिंगल हलमा बिहानी शोबाटै दर्शक तानेको छ ।
भोली शनिबारको दिन चलचित्रको व्यापार आक्रमक हुने अनुमान गरिएको छ ।
मल्टिप्लेक्समा आज र भोलीका लागि बुकिङ पनि सुखद छ ।
दर्शकले दिएको
मायाले खुशी भएको भन्दै दीपाश्रीले उत्साह व्यक्त गरिन् । उनले दर्शकको
मायाका कारण खुशीको आँशु आएको भन्दै सबैलाई धन्यवाद दिएकी छिन् ।