Three bills for consideration at parliament

10:02 AM

The Legislature-Parliament meeting on Wednesday unanimously approved a proposal seeking consideration on a bill on Madhesi, Tharu and Muslim Commissions- 2073.Minister for Federal Affairs and Local Development, Hitraj Pande, presented the proposal to this regard, and expressed the view that the commission would be helpful to ensure the rights of Madhesi, Tharu and Muslim communities.During the discussion on the bill, parliamentarian Aman Lal Modi and Ganga Chaudhari celebrated the bill, observing, “Don’t inflict Tharus anymore. Tharus are no more to remain down trodden.”Similarly, speaking on the Muslim commission, lawmaker Shiva Chandra Mukthar Ahmad, Sabiya Prabin, Kaushar Shah argued that it was not good to determine educational qualification of the persons to be appointed in the commission.However, the meeting failed to see the quorum to pass the bill.It is said that some lawmaker signed the attendance sheet at parliament and left for the participation in a programme organised by an NGO.Question on the quorum was raised by Dilli Kafle, a lawmaker of Nepal Workers and Peasant Party. “It is quite disgraceful that parliamentarians flee the meeting after marking their attendance. Where do they go after all?” said Nepali Congress Lawmaker Ram Hari Khatiwada.

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