The son of the wealthy family of a graduate of the lust of women giving birth to the daughter, her daughter's neck in less than 4 months from the violent murder of Rieti

6:51 PM

September 10, 2016 : A very brutal and furious
incident has been encountered in Jaipur, India. A woman allegedly has
murdered her own 4-months-old daughter by slitting her neck.
Mahi’s body was found in a box at her house on August 26 following which
a complaint was filed by the minor’s family, they said. Following
investigation, Mahi’s mother was arrested on Thursday.
“A forensic test showed traces of blood in mother’s nails following
which she was arrested on Thursday”, said the police, adding that the
accussed was unhappy as she wanted a baby boy as her second child. She
had given birth to a daughter as her first child who is 7-years-old now
and therefore was expecting for a boy in her next delivery.
Investigation revealed that no outsider entered the house when the girl
was murdered. The mother was interrogated and during the interrogation
she confessed her crime. However it is really shocking and terrible
incident to know that a mother could be so cold hearted to kill her own
infant child.

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