Tara called home to put sexual contact

4:35 AM

Sister-in-law mother are the same 'statement that a young Kailali have proved false. His mother claimed responsibility as the need to respect the young child making such activities, are shown. Sorted by information obtained Lamki of Kailali cuha -13 to perpetuate a 17 year old claimed responsibility malabhangama are made pregnant. Brother went abroad the opportunity to shift the debarale bhaujusamga ignited a pregnant mother of grown children are made Capture. Sir abroad, after the woman is pregnant, she was 1 year. The woman heard her pregnant belly in law blatantly refuted the lies that she was pregnant after hospital treatment, pretest is an open secret. Her husband are Malaysian employment.
Husband was not at the woman's youngest father in the son (devaramm perfect devakotasamga defile her. The woman devakotakai of gestation accept the law daughter-house uncaring said. The woman spitting home called sexual relations, too, that she was herself. Sexual rally the brother, 2 India in the month of employment have been. Devkota himself, according to family sources said yesterday bhaujule forcible sexual contact. this is the statement of a pregnant girl. nayapeja from

 भाउजु आमा समान हुन्’ भन्ने भनाईलाई कैलालीका एक युवाले मिथ्या सावित गरेका छन् । आमालाई जस्तो सम्मान गर्नुपर्ने आफ्नै भाउजुलाई गर्भवती बनाएर ती युवाले यस्तो हर्कत देखाएका हुन् । प्राप्त जानकारी अनुशार कैलालीको लम्की चुहा–१३ मलभंगामा एक १७ वर्षीय देवरले भाउजुलाई गर्भवती बनाएका हुन् । दाजु विदेश गएको मौका पारी भाउजुसँग सल्किएका ती देबरले एक छोरीकी आमालाई गर्भवती बनाएका Captureहुन् । श्रीमान विदेश गएको १ वर्ष पछि ती महिला गर्भवती भएकी थिइन् । गर्भवती भएकी ती महिलाले लाजै पचाएर ससुरालाई पेट सुनियो भनी झुट्टो बोलेर उपचारको बाहनामा अस्पताल गएपछि गर्भवती भएको रहस्य खुलेको हो । उनका श्रीमान् रोजगारीको सिलसिलामा मलेशीया छन् ।

श्रीमान् नभएको मौकामा ती महिलाले कान्छा ससुराका कान्छा छोरा (देवरंं सिद्ध देवकोटासँग लसपस गरेकी थिइन् । महिलाले देवकोटाकै गर्भ रहेको स्वीकार गरेपछि ससुराले बुहारीलाई घरमा नराख्ने बताएका छन् । ती महिलाले देवरलाई घरमै बोलाएर यौन सम्बन्ध राख्ने गरेको पनि स्वीकार गरेकी छिन् । यौन सम्र्पक गर्ने देवर भने २ महिनादेखि भारतमा रोजगारी गर्दै आएका छन् । पारिवारिक स्रोतका अनुसार देवकोटाले आफुलाई भाउजुले जवरजस्ती यौन सम्पर्क गर्न लगाएको बताएका छन् । गर्भवती युवतीको बयान यस्तो छ। नयापेज बाट

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