Suggestive behavior, saying that students have made the profession ramadhulai

5:08 AM

June 11, 2016 – A video has gone viral
where students have showered slaps over the professor for allegedly
abusing and touching to the private parts.
Some days ago, the girls complained against the professor but the
administration did not take any action; and the allegedly naughty
professor continued his abusive words and conducts. So the medical
student girls have done slapping surgery. Girls showered the slaps,
fists and kicks. They slapped so fast and some many times that was
difficult to count even. It is difficult to count even in the viral video.
The medical student girls beat up Assistant Professor SharadManore very
badly. The Professor Doctor was helpless in front of the crowd of the
girls. This incident had occurred in VasantraoNaikGovt Medical College,
The girls were so disappointed with the behaviour of the doctor that the
girls slapped him with both the hands non-stop; and the professor was
unable to manage himself. Actually, the girls had surrounded him from
all the sides.
The reason for the girls’ anger was that the professor was very much
naughty as he used to abuse the girls in the medical college, he used to
touch the private parts in the name of medical checkup, and used to
speak non-sense that harassed the lady staff, medical student girls and
the lady patients who used to visit the hospital for the physical fitness.
Girls have registered the case against the professor after beating him
up. However, the doctor has also registered the case against the girls
for beating him.

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