Madan krishna Shrestha
11:43 PM
Krishna Shrestha was born to father Ram Krishna Lal Shrestha and mother
Laxmi Devi Shrestha on Baishakh 7, 2007 BS in Jitpur Phedi, Kathmandu.
At the age of 24 Madan Krishna married Yeshoda Shrestha. They gave
birth to a son, Yaman Shrestha and a daughter, Shrana Shrestha. In his
childhood, Madan Krishna was exposed to music and he also recorded his
first song in Radio Nepal in 2022 BS. At the age of 14, he started
working as a teacher to fulfill the financial needs of his family. In
2023 BS he joined a job at Karmachari Sanchaya Kosh. After his
performance in Rastriya Gaijatra Mahotsav in 2032 BS Madan Krishna
became the center of attraction amongst Nepalese viewers and critics.?
Madan Krishna had worked as an artist for about 10 years before meeting
his partner Hari Bamsha Acharya Madan Krishna lives at 320/57 Kumri Marg
-6 Dhobidhara, Kathmandu, Nepal with his wife.