KK was the country abroad - see today, including the evening Kantipur News
9:56 AM
The Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority (CIAA) has
filed a graft charge against three government officials, at the Special
Court, on Friday.
The Chief Investigation Officer Pushpa Raj Mishra, assistant
informants both Dhanraj Adhikari and Prakash Kumar Rai were dragged into
investigation by CIAA.
The chief investigation officer Pushpa Raj Mishra, at the Jhapa
District Office of the National Investigation Department (NID) has been
accused of misappropriating over Rs 4.8 million allotted as salaries and
ration of the contracted employees in the department.
Earlier, Mishra served as the chief investigation officer of the NID
in Panchthar and Udayapur districts. He has been charged with the
embezzlement of funds during his stints there.
Similarly, Dhanraj Adhikari, then assistant informant at the account
section of the Panchthar district office and Prakash Kumar Rai,
informant at the Udayapur District Office of the NID. Both have been
accused of aiding Mishra in his illegal act.