Kantipur Samachar 30 September 2016

11:34 AM

Referring to recent terrorist attacks in Jammu and Kashmir, India on Tuesday had pulled out from attending the Islamabad Summit. Four other members – Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, and Sri Lanka – followed the suit, referring to the escalation of tension between two of its largest members. As the current Chair of the bloc, Nepal has expected from the host Pakistan for taking necessary initiatives to hold the regional meet on time.
As the current Chair of the bloc, Nepal has expected from the host Pakistan for taking necessary initiatives to hold the regional meet on time.
As per SAARC tradition, its Summit cannot take place even if one member notifies the host and/or other members of its inability to attend the event.
“The next SAARC Summit should be held without any unnecessary delay,” former Prime Minister Madhav Kumar Nepal said while sharing the conclusion of the two-day conference.
“While Islamabad Summit is deferred for now, with an understanding of all member states, we can even broach the idea of finding an alternative venue for holding the next Summit at the earliest possible date.”

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