Buda Buda ask health topics such mystery opened takme

7:54 AM

 Kathmandu. Kedar Ghimire 'do not know who to ask for budhalai may sahedai. Did not ask for the last time some unhealthy old when the news came out, his friend and artist Wilson Bikram Rai sahakarmi evamma nearby Buda takme have opened a secret.
Writing on Facebook takmele intelligence have said. "Hello ask me semuna and funny benevolent takme to some poor speaks to us about being smart else to write the recipient because the recipient to speak.
Many relatives would only be put in writing Facebook photo of her brother was Kaka. Salman Khan, Aamir Khan, every day I am tacama kakasanga Kedar. I knew about the health of Oaxaca kept. It is especially pleasing to the story of our setinaga. Every day, as uncle and I together we nirdaisana. He was sick to travel around 12 part.
Today, we are 24 with your hand. I am sad, but I show my sorrow Chahine said. And, Kedar's uncle tell yourself something you write a few more of the sick Subject nabhohola bhannehuncha advice bhannubhora Beautiful bamojima we are whispering in our family, but this is out of my denomination of Rs Keane body know the knee tend to ask Father Buda Buda me dine. He and others interviewed me about the other, giving the hero through the Art Ray.
That is the great part of which seek to leave our team janubho. And, dipping into the sea is now a tinge of us speaking about is Ray hiddai. It came out as knee in khabarapatrika nor this, nor that I have spoken to Kaka Kedar is the bolnubheko. This is not a lurch, since people now speak of our inquiry about us, we sangai not there and is not a spokesman.

काठमाडौँ । केदार घिमिरे ‘माग्ने बुढा’लाई नचिन्ने मानिस साहेदै होलान् । उनै माग्ने बुढा पछिल्लो समय केही अस्वस्थ भएको खबर बाहिर आएका बेला उनका साहकर्मी एवंम नजिकैका मित्र तथा कलाकार विल्सन विक्रम राई तक्मे बुढाले केही रहस्य खुलाएका छन् ।
फेसबुकमा स्टाटस लेख्दै तक्मेले यसो भनेका छन् । ‘मेरो सेवारो सेमुना नमस्कार माग्ने र तक्मे को शुभचिन्तक दर्शकमा केही दीन देखि हाम्रो बारेमा अरु नै बाठो भएर बोल्नुभएको देखेर लेख्नै पर्ने भो बोल्नै पर्ने भो ।
फोटो हालेर फेसबुकमा लेखेर मात्रै आफन्त हुने भए धेरै को काका दाजु पर्ने थिए । सलमान खान आमिर खान , प्रत्येक दिन म केदार काकासङ्ग टचमा छु । वाहाको स्वास्थ को बारे बुझी राखेको छु । हाम्रो खास खुस को स्टोरी सेटिङग हुन्छ । हरेक दिन जस्तो काका र म मिलेर निर्दैशन गर्दछौं । १२ भाग देखि उहाँ बिरामी हुनुभो ।
आज २४ सम्म हामी साथमा नै छौ । म दुःखी छु तर म मेरो दुःख कही देखाउन चाहीन । र, केदार काकाले आफै तपाईंले केही नभन्नु केही नलेख्नु बिरामी को बिषयमा झन के के नभोहोला भन्नेहुन्छ भन्नुभोर तेही सल्लाह बमोजीम हामी छौ हाम्रो खासखुस परिवार तर यो बाहिर को कीन बडी जान्ने भएको नी रु मेरो गड फादर अरुको माग्ने बुडा मेरो दीने बुढा । उहाँ र मेरो बारेमा यो अरु अरुले अन्तर्वार्ता दिदै हिरो हुँदै हुनुन्छ रे ।
जो चाहिँ ठूलो भाग खोज्न भनेर हाम्रो टीम छोडेर जानुभो । र, झोलमा डुबेर अहिले हाम्रो बारेमा कता कता बोल्दै हीड्दै हुनुहुन्छ रे । यो जति नी खबरपत्रीका मा बाहिर आए यो नत मैले बोलेको हो नत केदार काका नै बोल्नुभेको हो । यो यता न उताको मान्छे बोल्नु भएको हो अब हाम्रो बारेमा हामी सङ्गै सोधपुछ गर्नु हाम्रो कोही प्रवक्ता छैन र हैन ।

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