Today, nearly 2800 years ago than it is Nepal's marvelous history.

8:49 AM

Our country Nepal (Kathmandu) in the Mahadev / Parvati, the superpowered (natural power), wise, dharmatatma and rescue the king and the heart was. Which we know that paruhana and sumnima. The Mongol communities of descent. Mongol / mona / mana / managara / but / Tamang / Tamu / rye / Limbu and others known to us in the name of indigenous and ethnic variety, mulavasi have said the same means, is. Today we have come to adopt the same Mahadev Kirat king / Bone / Nature Religion / yumasama religion / religion in the kingdom of samanijama garaecha start. For example, as we eat three times before the ventilator and any webmail sanotukra ago beverages, beverages chyota to three times. It means the first generation / second generation (current generation) to and always samjhinu generation. Another is made of iron or other metal bearing, and their fathers Symbol trisula that have grave. It means the father of our past, present father, and burning like a flame of fire coming Dabadi purkhahara stake / camki is. Mahadev means 'I' is a Mongol, "Yes" is to hana, god is a god, let, debari that is used in our mother tongues Mongol community. King's Palace Pashupatinath Temple in Kathmandu, Mahadev present and also the grave. After his death, the Pashupati Mahadeva Temple variparinai is buried. Why is that our hometown is common today-tomorrow also jhakriko after death and buried in nearby woods or place, the customary rites. Pashupati the black (ansubarma) the worship of idols NJF force of the king. We know that we have that Anshu Burma, have introduced. Anshu Burmese name hanasa force. Anshu Burma (hanasa force) Nepal's 21 th Reserved / Mongol King, the third time the Mongols domicile in Nepal and Tibet in the days of total disconnections during the 33rd King of Kings Anshu Verma had also invites sonacana gompolai, arrived in Nepal to be the same as the King sonacana gompo. Anshu Burmese Gampo married in Tibet 33 th century King sonacana sixth with gompo to 632 AD in the middle of it. Gampo of Tibet strength / balasya that are to be addressed and written in the same way that history is found. Ball, Tamang is one of 160 surname. The surname is believed that the daughter is also NJF balasya force. In this sense, Anshu Burma / hanasa force that clearly allows for NJF. Indracokama the sky longest idols, is Nepal's history as it is written Nepal's first Mongol Kirata King Yalambar the statue, but Nepal's first king banasasura are banasasura King today from India Gopal bansaka Army bhuktamanale treacherously murdered, and over was to later bhuktamanako Aaronite 8th traces up to the state to run. The king's descent descent bhuvanasinhalai banasasura bhuktamanako 8th King yalambarale bhuvanasinhalai fall run victory and utpatyakasthita placae rajadhani made, the king ruled yalambarale 9 0 years of age, after his eldest son palamba delivered to power. Palambale ruled 81 years. The King Yalambar / yalamba / yamba / yambu / to the history of Nepal's first Mongol biddhaharule / Kirata asserted that the king may have. King pelambale rajadhani RPGs that have suprabha new colony established in remembrance of King banasasurako run, and he announced his name also kiratisura. In the same way that the word started Reserved. Reserved means is that traces. Worship akasabhairavako August / September is celebrated for eight days indrajatrako day declaration and Indra. On the same day, only for the common citizen is placed on the bulletin mask other day. The small Buddhist stupa in Kathmandu cavelama / Charupati debris is 23 hundred years ago after the death of Rani Rani charumati that memorials made by ashes Stupa / debris to be. Charumati, the daughter of Emperor Ashoka. Charumati 2281 years ago with the Emperor Ashoka had come to Nepal. Charupati the same time the wedding with Prince deupala them. Emperor Ashoka, according to the Mongol history from the 14th to the invitation of King stunagoko why that Mongol / mona / mana / kings traces every seven generations, or a total of chutinne practice. Immediately east, west, north, south, all the kings were invited to practice. The descendants of the Mongols or the total chutiyo second time in Nepal, the seventh king of the first dynasty, or the total while the remaining days was conquered by hand. At that time Buddha was invited to the Central Kingdom, and the same time, the central state is beginning to buddhijamako. Kathmandu, 25 hundred years ago had become the Swoyabhu. And the tomb of the king's palace svayamabhu NJF today, tomorrow also svayamabhuma, died after the death of the tamangaharuko svayamabhuma took jalaincha or dahasaskara bulletin. Swayambhu tamangaharule Aba (buba) to praise the declaration as a Buddhist is worshiped as a mother. Rani NJF Buddhist tomb and the palace too. Tamangaharuko culture of sugarcane any person to death, their memory divided considered great, Pilli, Stupa / debris made. Part chyoratenama around Stupa above figure represents the eye towards the delivery, force majeure. Meaning is left in the eyes of my offspring east, west, north, south, where my love is equal to all the people living in what sense. 1 Nepali letters written under chyoratenako amkhako it means to me is where they stay together, children are marvelous. Copper tamangaharuko epochs, ganba, and the existence of long and bhonboko separate role. These four integral saskrtika angaharule fruitful for the benefit of his Mongol is not always an imperative condition is also being conclusive. Our hometown is also our fathers, saying, We are the descendants of the Mongol can not be alone for life, so I always have a dwell the descendants of the Mongol / live sound that is said. Nepal Mongol communities Old itihasaharu All Nepal samanijamako Damak in the scriptures as thunasapa Damak, pesapa Damak, Sok-sok Damak, ehanga Damak, sapji Damak, SAP mundhumaharuma Kirat script are written, and Nepal buddhijamako scriptures as domana, donagarapa, pharapa, kanagyura, bend kaitena and other sambhota script is written in the book (the book) are to succeed. These texts (book) 9 0 percent of the students on the language spoken words are written in the mother tongue of Nepal, we Mongols, which was written by the seventh and eighth century, says that the elders lamaguruharule. Nepal's oldest script that script samabhota the Government of Nepal has already verified. This script tamangaharuko samabhota script it must understand all tamangaharule. Samabhota script is the world indefinitely buddhijamaka book (book) on the master script is to travel in Tibet buddhijamaka written scripts written only at the beginning of the twelfth and later Tibet satabdiko Chinatown, mangoliya, Bhutan and other countries are also spread. "NJF 'meaning' is 'is great, the old Mongol / mannako language and' mangako means great, comprehensive, community / natural power / natural Dev God are used. Rai / Limbu / But the Mongol and some other communities mangako matrbhasama means god / God / god is called that. Chinese and Burmese language has been to define mangako means that the Mongol. NJF this sense means the great God / Great Mongol / that allows great natural Dev, should understand. 'Tamu' is 'is' means great and 'issue' means the Mongol tongue, profane sky. Natural religious communities of the Mongol sky, mountains, mountain, river, tree, animal, pachim and his forefathers God / god / goddess / god is worshiped as. In this sense the great Mongol fearing Tamu is great that the sky must be put to death, and understand. 'But' is to mean mang / manga / managarabata civilization by making that order but was told, became known, was identified. Managa / managa Mongol communities in Nepal is the mother tongue / goddess / god to be, Mager managara history that addressed many of the old itihasaharu dissimilar. But this sense is a goddess, god yes, that allows for, and understand. "Lama" is the meaning of 'La' is a god, 'in the' What is managa. 'Sherpa' to mean what is the language of the Mongols 'Care' is the East, and 'find' is the man of the 15th satabdiko to live in Nepal purvadisa toward the Mongol community called syarapa later called Sherpa. "Limbu 'meaning' Ltd 'is the bow of the Mongol tongue,' I 'means the Mongol and' boo 'to mean that the state is not subject to the Mongol mother tongue. Rai / Limbu / Kirata and other communities in the language of this word is found in widespread use. Limbu this sense means that it is not subject to the bow of the Mongol Kings, and must understand. "Rai" means Prithvi Narayan Shah's reign is at the east end earlier than the time of the Mongol state run / Kirat Rai kings that contains a written itihasama addressed. Before that time, the direction of the east and west of the Mongol state run / coordinator Kings hana or food is found that the written history of the old, such as King balihana, paruhana, King Wisdom ear Rai, Vijay Narayan Rai used to. Wisdom King Karna Rai (1769-1773AD) during the reign of Morang. King Vijay Narayan Rai (1584-1709AD) during the laying of the king. Khan is the twelfth satabti 12-19AD to the Mongol Khan called Kings of the SAARC. The Mongol empire is to expand during the twelfth satabdima mangoliyaka Khan samrataharule managga / manga / monga to parirmajita brought by the Mongol-term practice, and that all of us identified the Mongol / Ki. In this sense we are not mangoliyana mangoliya citizen of the country that must be understood that, to be submitted. Asia / province has all the same we esiyanaharu / asiyanaharu Mongol the Mongols, but we Nepal is Asia / asiyakai Mongols religion, culture, and culture are also fathers. We must understand this, is to be submitted. India Hindu India, the Mongol rajaputaharu ahiko / mugola Emperor Akbar to avoid the attack, survived in Nepal from the west to the Kingdom of Nepal, but the food arrived. But Khan, the king's eldest son, then Bhirkot khanajha Khan was king. Khanajha eat rajaputaharule jhalajhela taken by the state to make their religion for the fraud and the failure to make changes after the Hindu Rajput Hindus, the second king of the Hindu mejha make bread successful. Hindu would like to eat khanajha amounted to eat mejha phakaiyo that King established, but Milo mejha King Khan but with the cooperation of the Hindu and poured Palpa San But the king later created the Hindu Nepal began rajaputaharuko plot black days. Bhirkot and Palpa but the community of his ancestor to adopt the Mongol religion / samanijama Religion / Dhami jharki religion and Buddhism, change the Hindu religion received amounted to the community in any one individual is born, dies, and married when any other program is beyond the cost all costs and expenses that the government byahrornu and vyahrorne government falsely issued the order. Some of the changes in the work of Mager Hinduism began. So when she was rajaputaharule mejhakhanalai Nuwakot 12 pipelines king. Later in Chitwan: Jay Khan, micca Khan, exotic food, and a total of Mandan Jagdeo Khan Khan happened to the king of Nuwakot. After kulamandana Khan became Shah, the empire expanded during mangoliyabata why India came the day mugola / Mongol samrarata akabarale today liisakeko India was taken. But after some time, though Dhillika tribute to the Muslim religion, the prince was captured by Shah jahana. Shah Jahan Shah of the same title given kulamandana eat. The rajaputaharuharu apraksarupama Muslim Shah and Kathmandu, the two towers are built by Shah rulers of Muslim religion, the Muslim religion is a symbol of prayer to be used to prarthana bhavana. For the same reason, to save lives, but in the kingdom of Nepal Khan Rajput Hindu kakasiyasa s and asked for asylum, saying there salvation, but the food is great and the kings were granted asylum. I'm going to be a heavy bag that came with the Rajput kakasiyasa today and Newar Brahmin tagadhariharu puretaharu some tagadhari kakasiyasa. Kulamandana eldest son of Shah Shah matter, matter eldest son Ram Prakash Shah, the son of Ram Prakash Shah narabhupala second encounter with the king, but the marriage was born the son of the Queen of the Kingdom of Lamjung prthvinarayana Shah piena Saha. Piena But Shah community and we must cousin bloody Mongol community. But the state narabhupalale his hand to take the blame for the nasty trick when not writing, but the princess was married to with. The first queen of Gorkha narabhupalako Glennie / shells / Ghale and the second marriage of the princess after his son piena

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