Maternal helicopter saved lives, Directorate kharciyo 4 million

4:54 AM

Surkhet, August 13 - unable to be delivered, on trial for life or death of the 22-year-old Mugu sukadika-9 mancala Tiwari life is saved by a helicopter charter. Mid-Western Regional Health Directorate at their own expense by a helicopter charter and is undergoing treatment in Surkhet Tiwari. Tiwari said the child, but to save the unfinished kokhaka-Western Regional Hospital, according to Surkhet.
Nursing sick for two days Tiwari, a day when the birth Kotdāndā health charter to the Mid-Western Regional Hospital in a helicopter failed to be brought to Surkhet. Baby shoe, hands and feet are already out of the Tiwari to be delivered, there was a problem. The second day of the birth pains felt Tiwari and his family took Kotdāndā health and nursing to charter a helicopter that had failed nirdesanalayaki Community Nursing Officer Gurung said the security forces.
Lack of necessary equipment and skilled manpower to failed health nursing directorate, whether they had health post. Tiwari then rescued by the directorate.
To save the life of the mother to protect the lives of heroic rescue, has been successful, he said. "The child was already dead," he said, "but if the mother lives uddhari preserved, his condition is now normal."Pregnant women in remote villages could not be at the expense of the government rescue
Tiwari, Regional Health Directorate to deliver cost Rs 4 lakh for information has been given. The government may be losing a very risky situation for women who give birth immediately rescued by helicopter rescue arrangement to Achaia Directorate said.
3 of last year and this year has been tivarisahita 2 persons were rescued by helicopters. Last year Mugu and Humla 2 men rescued a woman had given the mother had both died SNATCHED. During last August that the mother had given muguki rescued a woman helikapteravata SNATCHED life was both.
Car and vehicle service facilities in remote places gadivata pursuing the government has made arrangements to deliver helikaptaravata.

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