Everest in Nepal 10 years that lie ban Indian couples

9:51 PM

Kathmandu, on August 14. Everest has falsely claimed to be a policeman in the city of Pune, India, the couples are banned in Nepal is 10 years. Last May 23, in the first successful ascent of Mount Everest, also claimed that the couple has confirmed the claim false.Pune police in -An 30-year-old Dinesh and tarkesvari Gobre last June 5 at a press conference organized by the allowance successfully climbed Mt. Everest and the first Indian couple that the allowance had been claimed. They Pune, Shivajinagar police headquarters, police are working.Pune police commissioner Rashmi Shukla Indian eksapresasamga talking to them for 10 years for the government of Nepal has been banned from entering the confirmation in her. Nepali officials sent a letter to the police, he told her about this in Pune."The Government of Nepal has confirmed that two of Barrack. Both the police and not just tarnished the country's image are made, "he said. He said both strict action will be.According to the Indian Express abduction of their demotion or promotion can be said.What was the issue?Dinesh Rathore Rathore and tarkesveri 23 May, Everest has claimed that the couple had. But some Everest climbers in their claim falsely accused, saying they were deprived of Everest. Rathore said the couple caught the top of Mount Everest, their claim was made in Photoshop image.Since tarkesvarile his husband after she reached Everest cucuromai. 23 May, Everest had also Gobre arona June 5 at a press conference to reach the dream of Everest had said.However, Pune's claim an ascending Surendra silkele their questions. They were not ready to accept that he Everest. Surendra Everest this season is also a member of the Indian team had to come. According to the base camp of this couple in the picture drawn in the picture captured the peak of a separate fabric and clothing were separate.They jumped on Everest but others according to his own image and Photoshop was kept, he said. In such case, both the public after the Government of Nepal and India, the police investigation was started.Nepali bullyingNepal Travel and Tour Company also with their mischief was given. Makalu and Everest expedition managed by their company was called Adventure. The company had made the fake picture of him was placed on their websites. If a dispute between the picture they were removed from the Website. Mohan said the accused denied the company had Lamshal. He said, "They have taken our company cucurosamma Over the Sherpas are doing. They succeeded in climbing Mount Everest May 23 i. "According to Lamshal tarkesvari nimoniyasameta Rathore was returning. Only after undergoing treatment for weeks, he has been successful ascent of India announced her return.

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