This was due to a fire near Durbar chaotic inlay, Durbar close vicinity of power supply
4:17 AMKathmandu, 10 November. Electricity Authority vicinity of the outside power supply has been shut down after a fire Durbar. On
Wednesday morning, around 11 am after a fire suddenly electrical
service wires anamagarasthita Electricity Authority has been obstructed.
At a time when the electric wire tied around the place firsthand flow was suddenly in flames.
Pradhikaranasamgai Nepal Telecom, cable operators and Internet service
providers as haphazard electrical wires breaking through the fire could
have been shot, police said.
Immediately after the fire started, police used gas quench wires though the wire has been cut off completely. According
to the Electricity Authority no light Ratna branch technical team
started repairing electrical service though the day will be blocked.