10 Most DANGEROUS Roads in the world

11:41 PM

Tibet Highway in China – Known for its high elevation and massive length , spanning 2,142km, this highway remains to be one of the few frequent roads used by drivers.Unfortunately, bad driving surfaces and sharp mountain-side hairpin turns have caused frequent accidents amongst inexperienced drivers. La Carretera de los Yungas AKA The Death Road – This road didn’t get its name by chance, with over an estimated 200 deaths each year occurring here due to the insanely narrow road climbs and extreme winding and turnings. Not to mention that descending vehicles do not have the right of way, the muddy road features a terrifying 1000m drop should you commit one wrong move. With a length of 69km running from La Paz and Coroico in Bolivia, the death road is definitely not for the faint hearted.Keylong – Kishtwar Road – One of the main roads leading to the basecamp of the Kishtwar Kailash mountain, the keylong – kishtwar road is a mountain trial located at the eastern extremity of the Jammu region in India . With a length of 234km and over 100 miles without a secure guard rail, it is all too disorienting for most drivers with the view of a valley over 2000ft beneath you.
Guoliang Tunnel Road – This famed tunnel located high in the sacred mountains of Taihan g, China was hollowed out by villagers living in the town Guoliang. With any mistake, road users may find themselves flung out of one of the 30 windows that displays the majestic view beneath the mountains. Skippers Canyon Road – Almost as scenic as it is dangerous, the Skippers Canyon road is one of the few places in New Zealand where even rental car insurances refuse to cover. Built during the gold rush in 1883, the Skippers Road remains unpaved and narrow, with just enough space for one vehicle at a time. Bayburt Of Yolu-D915 – The D915 route is as one puts it, ‘truly a YOLO feat that should never be attempted lest you’re suicidal’. Residing in Trabzon, Turkey, this road is bordered by a drop of hundreds of metres down into rocky terrains without the protection of a guardrail.

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