The team has filed for trial in the death of nine prakarana

4:46 PM

Chitwan National Park requires research, today registered the case of the Park Information Officer nurendra Aryal of Nepal is the amendment of the Constitution 2072 gaimdasambandhi Chitwan District Court registered the first issue. According to the Wildlife Protection Act 26 Section 1 of the statement is filed.
More than a year would be punished according to provisions prohibiting the kind of issue to see the park from the court case is now 15 years in prison .Earlier, the prosecution has decided to Chitwan National Park was torn. Chitwan District Court District Judge Narayan Kunwar Pant Srestedar gehendraraja the court began to take off on their statement said.
Statement after the detention of the Court Officer serious debate Ghimire. The team has nine of the dead scandal, Chitwan National Park and local hotel employees to take control of the investigation after .Thus today registered the case which controls the local hotel employee Ritesh Bhatt, an Indian national Shashi Dipu, viraja Mahto, Sunil Mahato, Buddhiram Mahato, suvara Gadal, girijalala Bahariya, Hailing the development of life and are Chaudhary.
Chaudhary Group operated by the hotel Meghauli serai shock that August 24 was an adult female rhinoceros died. The hotels staff Guyala charge current of leaving the park rhinoceros dead nine employees are under control.
Near the hotel, about 200 meters jangalatarpha hattisara shock rhinoceros was found dead Animal Park Technical Pandey said.

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